Green Accelerator: grants for sustainable export projects

The process of upscaling and realizing export projects can be costly as well as demanding, and sometimes, investors and exporters may be hard put to finance the preliminary phases in full.

DKK 85 million has now been allocated to a green project accelerator under EIFO to support prospective Danish export ventures. Export alliances consisting of minimum two Danish enterprises, as well as single enterprises, whose aim is to promote sales of proven clean technologies to customers abroad, will be able to obtain subsidies for their projects.

Listen to CEO of SolarLab, Anders Smith, talk about the business and how Green Accelerator boosted their dreams of exporting to new markets.

In order to apply for and be eligible for start-up accelerator grants, your project, your application, and you personally as the applicant, must satisfy a number of requirements.

Types of grants offered

Applications are primarily invited to cover the costs of consulting, advisory services, and expert assistance. Services might include

  • assistance with feasibility studies
  • market research
  • legal advice
  • ESG compliance analysis
  • awareness raising campaigns targeting decision-makers
  • advice on filing for patents
  • marketing campaigns and events, etc.

The costs of project management, accounting and travel can also be subsidised. To a lesser extent, purchase of hardware can also be included in the budget.

Projects facilitated by the Partnering with Denmark programme

The state subsidy can be used to finance upscaling of green exports ventures in countries admitted to the Partnering with Denmark programme, which serves to open doors for Danish sectors and companies through, for example, the Strategic Sector Cooperation. Projects in countries which are not currently part of Partnering with Denmark are also eligible for subsidies, but the likelihood of a successful exports venture (and hence a favourable assessment) is greater if the project is able to benefit from existing bilateral partnering arrangements.

Application rounds in 2024

EIFO Green Accelerator was established as part of the October 2020 agreement between the Danish government and its supporting parties on 'rebooting' Danish exports. There are three application rounds every year.

  1. Round 1/2024: 2nd of February - 4 March 2024
  2. Round 2/2024: 6th of May - 6 June 2024
  3. Round 3/2024: 18th of September - 20 October 2024